Getting Started with Hosted Email - Sogo

Each email account has a limit of 1GB by default, although we can increase this limit on request (ilateral also reserve the right to deny a request to increase mailbox sizes if we feel that the account is being used maliciously or will have a negative effect on our service).

Below is a quick guide to getting started using ilateral email (bundled with our web hosting plan).

All our bundled email supports POP3 and IMAP. By default IMAP is preferred (as it allows you to synchronise email between accounts). Using POP3 however will allow you to pull all your email onto a chosen device and therefore allow you to retain more email.


The easiest way to access our hosted email is via webmail. You can log on to any webmail account using the url:

To login you will need the following credentials: 

Username: your email address
Password: this will provided by ilateral and can be reset by request. 

Using mail on your device

Below are some short guides on setting up email on the most common applications/devices.

Setting up mail on Outlook

  1. Open Microsoft Office Outlook 2010.

  2. Go to File > Info > Add Account.

  3. Select the checkbox Manually configure server settings or additional server types. Click Next.

  4. Select the Internet Email option and click Next.

  5. Specify the following:

    1. Your name.

    2. Your email address.

    3. Account type. If you want to keep copies of messages on the server, select the IMAP option. If you do not want to keep any messages on the server, select the POP3 option. Selecting IMAP will also allow you to train the SpamAssassin spam filter on email messages you receive, provided SpamAssassin is enabled on the server.

    4. Incoming mail server. Type your domain name. For example,

    5. Outgoing mail server (SMTP). Type your domain name. For example,

    6. User Name. Specify your full email address. Example: [email protected].

    7. Password. This password probably coincides with the password you use for logging in to the webmail.

    8. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA). Leave this option cleared.

  6. Click More Settings, open the Outgoing Server tab and check My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Click Finish.

Mozilla Thunderbird

To set up Mozilla Thunderbird:

  1. Open Mozilla Thunderbird.

  2. Click Email under the Create a new account heading.

  3. Click the Skip this and use my existing email button.

  4. Specify the following:

  • Your name, as you want it to appear in any messages you send.

  • Your email address and password.

  • Click Continue.

  • If Thunderbird fails to find the settings automatically, specify the following:

  • Account type. If you want to keep copies of messages on the server, select the IMAP option. If you do not want to keep any messages on the server, select the POP3 option. Selecting IMAP will also allow you to train the SpamAssassin spam filter on email messages you receive, provided SpamAssassin is enabled on the server.

  • Click Done.

If you wish to set up a mail account manually, please use the following typical combinations of connection security and authentication method settings. If the settings do not work for you, ask your hosting provider about the correct combination.

On Linux, SMTP, IMAP, POP3:


  • Authentication: Encrypted password

On Windows, IMAP:

  • SSL/TLS: None

  • Authentication: Encrypted password

On Windows, SMTP, POP3:

  • SSL/TLS: None

  • Authentication: Normal password

Other parameters that you may need when configuring your account manually:

  • POP3 port: 995

  • IMAP port: 993

  • SMTP port: 587

  • Username. Your full email address. For example: [email protected].

  • Incoming server address (POP3/IMAP). Specify your website's Internet address. Example:

  • Outgoing server address. Specify your website's Internet address. Example:

Apple Mail

NOTE: The instructions provided in this section were verified against Apple Mail 8.2. They might not work with earlier or later versions of Apple Mail.

  1. Open Apple Mail and choose the Add Other Mail Account option from the list.  If not available, choose Mail > Add account

  2. Click Continue.

  3. Specify your full name, your email address and password, and click Create (or sign in). After you are prompted to configure the account manually, click Next.

  4. Specify the following:

    1. Account type. Select IMAP if you want to keep copies of received email messages on the server. Select POP if you do not.

    2. Incoming & Outgoing Mail Server. Type in

    3. User Name. Type in your full email address.

    4. Password. Type in your password.

  5. Click sign in

Apple iPhone (using default mail app)

The instructions provided in this section were verified against iPhone 5s.

To set up a mail account on iPhone:

  1. Go to Settings > Mail, Contact, Calendars and select Add Account.

  2. In the displayed list of email providers, select Other. Then tap Add Mail Account.

  3. On the New Account screen, enter the following information:

    1. Name. Specify the name that will be displayed in your emails.

    2. Email. Specify your full email address. Example: [email protected].

    3. Password. Specify the password of your email account.

    4. Description. Specify account description (optionally).

  4. Tap Next. At the top of the next screen select IMAP (if you want to keep copies of received email messages on the server) or POP. Then specify the details of your incoming and outgoing mail servers. For both servers, you should enter the following:

    1. Host name. Type in your domain name, for example,

    2. User name. Type in the name of your email account, for example, [email protected].

    3. Password. The password to your email account (it is optional for outgoing mail server).

  5. Once the email configuration is added, tap Save to continue. The connection to the specified server will be verified. If the connection is OK, you will see the screen where you can choose what information you want to sync with your phone.

  6. When all the information is provided, tap Save to save the entered information. Your iPhone will then verify your account information. Upon successful completion, you will be taken to the Mail screen. Your account will now be listed in the Accounts section.

Android (using default mail app).

The instructions provided in this section were verified against Android 4.4.2.

To set up a mail account on Android:

  1. Open the Gmail app. Touch the menu on the top left. Touch the down arrow to the right of your username and then touch Add account. Then follow the steps described below. To go to the next step, tap Next on the screen.

  2. On the Set up email screen select Personal (POP, IMAP).

  3. On the next screen, specify your full email address. Example: [email protected].

  4. Specify the type of account. To keep the copies of email messages on the server, select the IMAP option. If you do not want to keep them on the server, select POP3.

  5. Specify the password of your email account.

  6. The next screen displays the settings of an incoming server. Specify the Port number 995 for POP3 or 993 for IMAP.

  7. The next screen displays the settings of an outgoing server. The port number should be 587.

  8. When all the data is specified, your Android device will check the connection to the server and create your mail account. The new account will be displayed in the list of accounts in the Gmail app.