Setting up a new CentOS VPS (with nginx, php and mysql)
We quite regularly setup new VPS instances for our clients and there is always a long check list of stuff that has to be done. All these items can very often be a pain to remember but thankfully Digital Ocean have two REALLY helpful tutorials on their blog that make the process a lot less of a hassle.
Using Composer "create project" on a branch (rather than a tag)
We love composer here at ilateral and use it on all or PHP Projects.
Install LAMP in one command on Ubuntu
I am always forgetting how to do this,which is annoying as it is such a usefull command.
How's Silverstripe 3.0 looking?
Anyone who is interested in Silverstripe is interested in what will happen in next iteration. By the sounds of it there are going to be a lot of big changes, but one of the ones I am very interested in is updating the design and layout of the admin area.
Getting an image from a sub level pages top level parent.
Quite a simple one this time, but something I feel is worth posting up. On a recent project, I needed to add the ability for the site editors to be able attach an image to any page on the site that sits at the root level of the Site Tree. Any children (grandchildren, etc) of these pages however had to...
Silverstripe DataObjectSet and Templates
For some reason, I always forget how to generate a custom DataObjectSet in a Silverstripe method, that I can then return to my template to correctly render in a control loop. Because of this, I am going to write an example tutorial, using my Twitter RSS feed and SimpleXML (which should be part of the PHP5 core for most installs)...
Facebook's HipHop web server
I have been doing some reading up on Facebook's announcement that it has been developing a new web server, specifically for PHP apps. Apparently it will convert PHP code into C++ for more efficient running.