Web Design News

Click2Ignite Site now live

Click2Ignite is now live. Tight deadlines, but a speedy turnaround and good to work with Jazmedia on designs Take a look to see what Click2Ingite can offer in terms of social marketing.

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New Version of Spiral now live

Spiral, the teaching app from the Social Learning Network, has now been converted from Zend to Silverstripe and has had a bit of a brand refresh. Lots of new functionality has been added, including user setup validations and profile editing.

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Silverstripe 3.1 live

New version of Silverstripe 3.1 is now available. Lot's of new functionality both in the CMS and framework. For more info take a look here Silverstripe 3.1

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Fix HTML5 placeholder attribute in IE 8 & 9

Anyone who has encountered the HTML5 placeholder attribute, knows it is a great time saver over trying to manually load a label element into a HTML form input.

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Install LAMP in one command on Ubuntu

I am always forgetting how to do this,which is annoying as it is such a usefull command.

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Core Engineering Site Live

Core Engineering site is now live. Clean and simple site with easy navigation and bespoke forms for enquiries.

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Upgrade to Android Market

Just spotted on the Google Blog that there is an update to Android Market coming out (more info at: http://googlemobile.blogspot.com/2011/07/new-android-market-for-phones-with.html).

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Sapphire MVC Framework 3.0

Just thought I would have a quick play around with the pre-release of of Silverstripe 3.0. Most of all I was interested to see how the de-coupeling of the administration interface and CMS from the Sapphire framework was going.

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SilvaBuilda, the Silverstripe build tool

I love using Silverstripe, its a great CMS and Framework, easy to get into but powerful. But, there has been one thing bugging me for some time now, and that is managing all the different third party modules that you need in order to get your site up and running.

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Extending FullTextSearch for DataObjects

I have been wrestling over the problem of extending the default search functionality in Silverstripe to not only search Page objects, but other DataObjects as well.

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