You total GIT!
With the announcement that SIlverstripe are moving their core code base from SVN to GIT, I felt it was time for me to stop putting it off and bow to public pressure! So I dutifully installed the latest version and then had no idea what to do!
Ubuntu Netbook 10.10
So the latest version of Ubuntu was released over the weekend, and being the Linux fanboy that I am I thought I would download the Netbook flavour and install the it on my Acer Aspire Revo. See if it was any better than previous versions.
Open source Firewalls
Just recently I have been doing a lot of work on setting up and upgrading our internal and external networks. It has been quite an interesting and challenging job, that I am only just starting to get to grips with and I have learnt a lot about how to setup networks using open source software.
Putting Android on an old HTC phone
After feeling months of prolonged sadness at my lack of ownership of an Android based mobile device, I was ecstatic to hear that there were a group of developers over at XDA Developers who are trying to port Android over to older, Windows Mobile based HTC phones.