Getting started with Silverstripe unit testing (on ubuntu)
After many years of working with Silverstripe and developing modules, we have finally decided to move properly into unit testing.
New Thornley Kelham site live
The new version of the Thornley Kelham site is now live. Following a brand refresh, the site had to incorporate sub-brands for each of their departments a more robust project gallery with cross links throughout the site, as well as lots of minor tweaks to improve performance on the site.
New Version of Spiral now live
Spiral, the teaching app from the Social Learning Network, has now been converted from Zend to Silverstripe and has had a bit of a brand refresh. Lots of new functionality has been added, including user setup validations and profile editing.
Silverstripe 3.1 live
New version of Silverstripe 3.1 is now available. Lot's of new functionality both in the CMS and framework. For more info take a look here Silverstripe 3.1
Sapphire MVC Framework 3.0
Just thought I would have a quick play around with the pre-release of of Silverstripe 3.0. Most of all I was interested to see how the de-coupeling of the administration interface and CMS from the Sapphire framework was going.
SilvaBuilda, the Silverstripe build tool
I love using Silverstripe, its a great CMS and Framework, easy to get into but powerful. But, there has been one thing bugging me for some time now, and that is managing all the different third party modules that you need in order to get your site up and running.
Extending FullTextSearch for DataObjects
I have been wrestling over the problem of extending the default search functionality in Silverstripe to not only search Page objects, but other DataObjects as well.
Creating a dynamic image gallery with Silverstripe
I recently felt I needed to add a portfolio of work to this site, nothing fancy, but I decided it would need to use jQuery to provide some sort of slideshow view and so make the best use of screen space.
How's Silverstripe 3.0 looking?
Anyone who is interested in Silverstripe is interested in what will happen in next iteration. By the sounds of it there are going to be a lot of big changes, but one of the ones I am very interested in is updating the design and layout of the admin area.
Getting an image from a sub level pages top level parent.
Quite a simple one this time, but something I feel is worth posting up. On a recent project, I needed to add the ability for the site editors to be able attach an image to any page on the site that sits at the root level of the Site Tree. Any children (grandchildren, etc) of these pages however had to...