New Cookies for everyone, or maybe not?
You may not be aware that GDPR regulations are changing slightly. Ongoing, all companies that use cookies may have to change how their users interact with them.
Facebook is sharing even more data than we thought...
So the New York Times has reported on more questionable data ethics from Facebook. Basically the social media giant has arranged deals with 60 device manufacturers (can you name them all). Companies such as Apple, Amazon and Blackberry have been implicated in the report and the news is not good!
GDPR - no BS
Many of you have been receiving loads of emails about compliance with GDPR - as have we. So we thought we would write a quick list to help clear a few things up....
General Data Protection Regulations - Don't Panic!
It seems that everyone is talking about General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) at the moment, so we thought it would be worth letting you know how we look after our client's data and give some tips about what you need to do with the data that you keep.
Your-ssl-certificate-may not be as-safe-as-you-thought
This is not a new story (Google announced it's plans September 2017), but many people are still unaware that Google Chrome and Firefox will be blocking websites that use SSL certificates issued by Symantec (yes, THAT Symantec) as of April this year. You many think "Well, my SSL certificate was issued by GeoTrust/RapidSSL/Thawte, not Symantec", but the reality is that...
What is your new website designed for anyway?
If we get approached by a customer who wants a new website design (or even a rebuild of their existing website) the first question we ask is "what is the purpose of your site". Hopefully this isn't too cryptic, but by that we really mean "what is this website meant to do" and "who will be using your new website"?
The dangers of budget website hosting...
We were recently contacted by someone who had encountered an issue with their website. They were using a low cost hosting provider which had worked for a couple of years without to many issues, but out of the blue their site had fallen over and the support desk had made some attempts to fix it, but with little success. As...
You spin me right round - A Guide to Carousels on home pages
There have been some interesting findings published recently about how users interact with a carousel (or slider) on a website home page.
How to compress and transfer files in one command
This is something we do pretty much every week so I felt it was worth mentioning here.
Silverstripe - Best Technology Solution for the Public Sector
It is nice to see Silverstripe, the platform we use for all our development, getting rewarded for it's excellent work. A global company, based in Wellington, New Zealand, Silverstripe recently won the 2016 NZ Technology award for 'Best Technology Solution for the Public Sector'. Silverstripe is an extremely versatile, stable platform which can be used for any project. We use...